Saturday, May 2, 2009

need tutors for electochemistery so importent

Apparently there are some pretty sharp chemists in Wyoming. Here is an email I just got for MASTER level tutoring. From the subject line of the email I am under the impression that it was very "importent" that these students in "electrochemistery" get a tutor. I will let them make their case.

My name is Naha Al- habis and my friend name is Reeham we are MASTER student in chemical engineering we need a help to understand some problem in electrochemistry so which time do you have so we could come and ask you about it and we need an appointment as soon as possible bcoz we are from Laramie and we should hand in it in friday 8th of may and in monday and thursday we have an exam so plz give me a response as soon as possible.
Thank you


Unknown said...

SOOOOOO many funny and inappropriate things to say.....I'm just going to stay quiet on this one.

person 1 said...

Yeah. I was also tempted.

Ben said...

I have no boundaries so here we go...
Spelin and gramers issues aside, why are they contacting someone in another state? Who takes electrochemistry? What MASTERS program has homework? Why does this read like spam?
My advice is not to answer any questions about high speed switches.

Unknown said...

need new post for boredom cure so importent