The best session beer in the front range is Dale's Pale Ale.

So imagine my surprise when I was at the new and improved Oskar Blues Brewery in Longmont. We were minding our own business when an "employee" showed up on a bike. My friend Terri visiting from Austin said "I think that is Dale". And I looked at him and doubted that he was indeed the Beer Baron. So just to prove her wrong I asked if he was indeed Dale. And he just said "Yeah". I had to get a picture.

Jason, I know you are jealous.
You fucking fucker!
I'm super jealous too! That is one tricky beer...I love how it hides behind its aluminum exterior, then bitch slaps you for assuming it will suck. Now New Belgium just has to start selling the Fat Tire cans down here and I will be set for life...until I move again.
Fat Tire is the worst beer in Northern Colorado.
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