You've heard of the magic eight ball? Let me introduce you to the magic cyclooctane. Are you having trouble with your chemistry? Ask the magic cyclooctane and your question will be answered!

Just print it out and put it on another piece of paper. Put a thumbtack through the s-orbital in the middle and spin to get an answer.
A cyclooctane with an orphan s-orbital in the middle?
I think your problems are beyond the help of this device.
I said it was magic didn't I? Plus how else am I supposed to make a circle in chemdraw?
Well, lets see ... hmm ... hmm. Maybe the circle tool?
If you don't feel like going outside your comfort zone, you could use a orbital that has no shading, and call it a circle as well.
How come "go away and think about it" isn't on there?
Like you ever distilled anything before you used it, Dr. Miller...or took NMRs....
add some hexanes and start scratching
Mine seems to keep getting caught on "get drunk".
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