Here's the street out front after the storm, and a Metro parking lot:
Then yesterday it snowed again and it was windy, so I don't know how much but it might have been a foot.
Then today it was sunny and the temperature was ~20 degrees warmer than yesterday. There were huge puddles and small rivers all over the place.
It's supposed to snow again early next week, I can't wait!
where is the snowman?
I heard there was an epic snowball fight at DuPont circle, but I haven't heard of any noteworthy snowmen this year.
Snow in Durango makes that look like a flurry.
I think the biggest snowstorm I was ever in was in Durango. It snowed about three feet in just under two days. For me and my friends it was almost a nonstop party, and even delayed the beginning of the semester. However I had a 4 x 4 truck, and was surrounded by people who knew what to do when it snowed.
Here, not so much.
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