look off to the right there
For people who don't know what the error actually is, it's a subtle, but very very important, mistake. When I got in, I showed it to a South Korean Professor that is here in the lab on sabbatical, and he said "Wow, they should get the Nobel prize!", then winced when he recognized the company as South Korean, and then quietly cursed under his breath. Once a prof, always a prof.
I didn't realize the egregious error at first, and I thought you might be talking about the enolate geometry. So I spent 10-15 minutes flipping through synthesis notes and Carey's book reading about factors that govern enolate geometry. Then I looked again and realized the error was much more obvious.
Yeah, when I first saw it, I knew something was wrong, but it took a moment to realize it. Then I had to think for a while to be sure, since it's such an obvious mistake and I was still half asleep.
Is South Korea in the southern hemisphere? Maybe that's how enolates exist down there....just like how the toilet flushes backwards.
That whole toilet flushing backwards thing is a conspiracy thought up by the underhanded Australians to get the people of our great nation to buy into their "Coriolis effect" and other metric system nonsense.
at least they didn't say up-scale
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